How to Configure Fluent to Read Remote Path

1.3.1 Starting ANSYS FLUENT on Linux from Windows

You can run parallel simulations on Linux clusters via the Windows interface. To access remote 64-bit Linux clusters for your parallel calculation, select the Parallel (Local Machine) pick under Processing Options, then enable Apply Remote Linux Nodes, which now appears under Options. The Remote tab in FLUENT Launcher will become available, where you tin specify the remote ANSYS FLUENT Linux installation root path in the Remote FLUENT Root Path field. The Remote Working Directory field allows you to specify a working directory for the remote Linux nodes, other than the default temp directory.

Select i of the post-obit Remote Spawn Commands to connect to the remote node:

  • RSH (the default) is used to spawn nodes from the local Windows auto to the Linux head node as well equally from the Linux head node to the compute nodes. If yous want the Linux cluster to use SSH, then yous demand to set the FLUENT_NO_REMOTE_RSH to 1. Y'all volition also demand to set upward passwordless access.
  • SSH is used to spawn nodes from the local Windows auto to the Linux head node too as from the Linux head node to the compute nodes. To utilise SSH with ANSYS FLUENT, you lot demand to set upwardly passwordless SSH admission. If you lot want the Linux cluster to use RSH, so you need to set the FLUENT_NO_REMOTE_SSH to 1. For more information about setting up SSH without a password, see http://world wide
  • Other allows you to provide other compatible remote beat out commands.

Enable the Apply Remote Cluster Head Node field and specify the remote node to which ANSYS FLUENT volition connect for spawning (e.thousand., via rsh or ssh). If this is not provided, and then ANSYS FLUENT volition try to utilise the first machine in the motorcar file. If SGE is chosen as the task scheduler, and so the SGE qmaster will serve the aforementioned purpose.

In improver to using the settings in the Remote tab in FLUENT Launcher, the following control line options are also available when starting ANSYS FLUENT from the control line:

-nodepath=<path> is the path on the remote machine where ANSYS FLUENT is installed.
-node0=<machine proper name> is the machine from which to launch other nodes.
-nodehomedir=<directory> is the directory that becomes the current working directory for all the nodes. Additionally, this will be used as a scratch area for temporary files that are created on the nodes.
-rsh=<remote trounce control> is the command that will be used to launch executables remotely. This option defaults to rsh.exe but can indicate to any equivalent program. The grade of this command should exist that it should not look for additional inputs such as passwords. For example, if you install SSH, and try to launch in mixed mode using ssh, the launch may fail unless you have set up a login for SSH without a password. For more information about setting up SSH without a countersign, encounter http://world wide

Equally there are known issues with launching ANSYS FLUENT in mixed Windows/Linux style from cygwin, information technology is recommended that y'all apply the command prompt ( cmd.exe).

While ANSYS FLUENT case and data files are read from and written to the Windows machine while running mixed Windows/Linux simulations, parallel data files ( .pdat files) are written by the nodes and volition not exist bachelor on the Windows machine. Therefore, the path specified for writing .pdat files should be a Linux path (you can set node'south habitation directory if you want to provide relative paths). If you use the graphical user interface to read and/or write .pdat files, the directory component of the path is ignored and simply the file name is used to read and/or write the .pdat file relative to the node'due south current working directory.

When working with mixed Linux and Windows runs that employ user-divers functions (UDFs), you should keep in mind that the file that you lot have opened for reading/writing on the host machine will not be available on remote nodes and vice-versa. You may therefore accept to transfer information nowadays on the nodes to the host and write information technology from host, (or distribute the data from the host to the nodes afterwards reading the data from the host).

Setting Job Scheduler Options When Running on Remote Linux Machines

Past selecting the Use Remote Linux Nodes option and the Utilise Job Scheduler option in FLUENT Launcher, you tin can ready job scheduler options for the remote Linux machines you are accessing for your CFD analysis.

When these options are enabled in FLUENT Launcher, you can utilise the Scheduler tab to set up parameters for either LSF, SGE, or PBS Pro job schedulers. You tin learn more about each of the schedulers by referring to the Load Management Documentation. The post-obit list describes the various controls that are available in the Scheduler tab:

Use LSF allows you to use the LSF job scheduler.
LSF queue allows yous to specify a job queue and enter the queue name in the text box.
Use Checkpointing allows you to employ checkpointing with LSF. By default, the checkpointing directory volition exist the current working directory; however, you have the selection of enabling Checkpointing Directory.
Checkpointing Directory allows you to specify a checkpointing directory which is different from the current working directory.
Automatic Checkpoint with Setting of Catamenia allows you to specify that the checkpointing is done automatically at a set time interval. Enter the flow (in minutes) in the text box, otherwise checkpointing will non occur unless you call the bchkpnt command.
Use SGE allows y'all to use the SGE job scheduler.
SGE qmaster is the machine in the SGE job submission host listing. SGE will allow the SGE qmaster node to summon jobs. By default, localhost is specified for SGE qmaster. Note that the figure push button allows you lot to check the job status.
SGE queue is the queue where you want to submit your ANSYS FLUENT jobs. Notation that y'all can use the figure button to contact the SGE qmaster for a list of queues. Leave this field blank if you desire to use the default queue.
SGE pe is the parallel environment where you want to submit your ANSYS FLUENT jobs. The parallel environment must be divers by an administrator. For more information about creating a parallel environment, please refer to the SGE documentation. Leave this field blank if y'all want to utilise the default parallel environment.
Utilise PBS Pro allows you to use the PBS Pro task scheduler.

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Release © ANSYS, Inc. 2009-09-29


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